The Family Educational Rights and 隐私 Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. 学生 obtain these rights upon attendance at Wilkes University. Attendance at Wilkes University 从上课的第一天开始,或者从学生搬进学生宿舍的那天开始 housing, whichever is earlier. Wilkes University has chosen to assume that all students have reached the age of legal majority (18) as stated in the document.

因此,账单和成绩会以学生的名义直接送到学校 address listed for the student. Mid-term notices are sent directly to students at their on-campus, off-campus or permanent address. An exception is made for the mid-semester 对一年级学生和留校察看学生的评估. 那些 期中成绩和出勤的满意或不满意记录 寄往学生的适当地址及家长或法定监护人 of these students.

根据《澳门赌场在线娱乐》的规定, 学生,应要求,将给予访问他们所有的评估或意见记录 that have been established by Wilkes. Such records might typically include those maintained 由就业服务办公室、卫生服务、注册主任和学生办公室负责 事务. These records will be open to inspection in the presence of the appropriate University official. Procedurally, appointments must be made by students in advance 查阅他们的档案,大学在收到申请后最多有45天的时间 to produce the records.

Typically, student records are maintained in the following University offices:

Record Type 办公室
Academic Information 注册商s 办公室
Career, Placement Service Records Career Services 办公室
Financial Records Controller's 办公室
Financial Aid Records Financial Aid 办公室
Medical Records Health Services 办公室
Residence Life and Disciplinary Records Residence Life or Student Life and Success 办公室
Student Personnel/Transcript/Disciplinary Records/Official Correspondence Student Life and Success 办公室

The following information will not be released to a student:

  1. 1975年1月1日之前放在学生档案中的推荐信;
  2. 父母的财务记录,除非获得父母的书面授权;
  3. Private notes created by University personnel to serve as memory 援助s.
  4. Records connected with denied applications to attend the Wilkes University.
  5. Records not included in the FERPA definition of educational records.

注册主任发布目录信息:学生姓名,地址(包括 电子邮件地址、电话号码、照片、学习领域、出席日期、 学位,奖项,以及最近就读的教育机构或机构 the student. This information may be released without a student’s consent. 一个学生 may request such information not be released by the 注册商. 这一要求必须在第一周结束前以书面形式向书记官长提出 of classes of the semester. Such requests must be filed yearly.

目录信息不是为分发给供应商而发布的,而是提供的 to law enforcement agencies and within the University community.

学生的记录中包含的信息可能不会在没有学生的情况下公布 written consent with the following exceptions:

  • Disclosure is authorized in writing by the student. When the University releases or 根据学生的书面授权向第三方披露信息; 这样做的条件是,信息或记录的第三方 被释放或披露的信息不会反过来释放或披露给其他任何人 without the express written consent of the student.
  • 披露是给大学的官员或员工谁需要知道,以便完成 legitimate purposes related to their functions.
  • 向学生打算入学的其他学校的官员披露.
  • Disclosure is to parents of dependent students. Dependency status, for the purpose of this policy statement, is defined by Internal Revenue Service guidelines. Documentation must be provided prior to release of information.
  • 向政府机构、教育组织的指定代表披露 或联邦法规规定的或州要求的其他实体 or federal law. Custodians of records should obtain interpretations whenever third parties request personally identifiable information.
  • 披露是与学生的申请,或收到,财政 援助.
  • Disclosure is in compliance with a conduct order or subpoena. The staff member receiving 如有可能,应立即以书面通知有关学生 prior to compliance with such order or subpoena.
  • 披露对象是21岁以下学生的家长,他们被发现有违规行为 of alcohol and/or drug policies.
  • 大学档案中的资料可向有关人士提供 在紧急情况下,如果知道这些信息是必要的,以保护 health or safety of a student or other persons.

澳门赌场在线娱乐实施FERPA的指导方针由副校长维护 for Student 事务. 学生 should address questions, concerns, or problems to:

Associate Vice President for Student Life and Success

学生可以就学院未能遵守规定提出正式投诉 with FERPA with the Family Policy Compliance 办公室, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20202-4605.

注册办公室将保留一份记录,并与永久教育机构保存 每个学生的记录,其中将列出除上述各方以外的所有各方 以及该法第99条第30款要求并获得学生记录的人 哪一项将具体表明各方在获得该物品时的合法利益 this information.

在每学年,市场传讯处会因各种原因, send releases containing student information to the media. Information may include 项目如:姓名、地址(包括电子邮件地址)、电话号码、日期和 出生地点、父母或监护人姓名、地址、专业、照片、参加情况 在官方认可的活动和体育项目中,体重和身高(如果你是会员的话) of an athletic team), dates of attendance, degrees and awards received; the Dean’s List; lists of graduates, and the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student.

根据《澳门赌场在线娱乐》,学生有权拒绝 disclosure of any or all of the items listed above. 必须收到向媒体隐瞒这一信息的书面通知 每年的第一周课程结束前,由市场传播办公室提交 of the semester. Such requests must be filed yearly.

要求保留任何或全部上述资料,并不会限制内部使用 of the material by the University.

Student’s rights under FERPA include the following:

  1. The right to inspect and review information contained in educational records.
  2. 要求修改教育记录以确保其不准确的权利; misleading or otherwise in violation of privacy or other rights.
  3. 除本法规定的例外情况外,同意披露个人信息的权利 identifiable information from education records.
  4. This copy of institutional policy.
  5. 有权就所谓的失败向教育部提出申诉 of this institution to comply with the Act.

学生可以放弃查看机密信件和声明的任何或全部权利 of Recommendation.

The right of waiver is subject to the following conditions:

  1. The institution may not require waivers.
  2. 没有提供豁免的学生不会被拒绝任何机构服务或福利.
  3. 学生已放弃查阅权利的文件仅用于 purposes for which the waiver was collected.
  4. Waivers must be in writing and signed by the student.